Foods and Drinks to Avoid at an Outdoor Party (Part 1)

Foods and Drinks to Avoid at an Outdoor Party (Part 1). When planning the food and drink menu for your outdoor event, it’s essential to consider items that can easily spoil or lead to messy mishaps. To help you make informed choices, we consulted catering and event planning experts for their insights on foods and drinks to avoid at outdoor events and suggested delicious alternatives to consider. These recommendations will help you ensure that your outdoor gathering is a delightful and trouble-free experience for you and your guests.

Skip Sushi for Outdoor Events: Safety First!

Foods and Drinks to Avoid at an Outdoor Party (Part 1) 1
Photo: Skip Sushi for Outdoor Events: Safety First!

While sushi may seem like an appealing choice for your outdoor gathering due to its aesthetic appeal, it’s important to consider its limited shelf life and the potential risks it poses.

Sushi has a notably short duration of freshness, and its taste can deteriorate quickly. More importantly, it can become a source of foodborne illness if mishandled in warm outdoor conditions.

Melissa Park, a global event producer and founder of Melissa Park Events, emphasizes the importance of handling sushi with care, as most varieties contain seafood or proteins that should not be left at room temperature for extended periods, typically no more than one or two hours.

Instead of sushi, consider offering alternatives that are not only safe but also maintain that Asian flair you’re aiming for.

Veggie or tofu rice paper rolls can be a refreshing and delightful option. Additionally, you could explore vegetarian “sushi” alternatives that incorporate inventive ingredients to capture the essence of sushi while ensuring the safety of your outdoor dining experience.

Prioritizing food safety ensures that your gathering is enjoyable for everyone, without any concerns about foodborne illnesses.

Steer Clear of Fish-Based Ceviche for Outdoor Events: Prioritize Food Safety

When planning an outdoor gathering, it’s wise to exclude fish-based ceviche from your menu due to the high risk of food poisoning, even if you attempt to keep it chilled on ice.

The sun’s exposure can significantly increase this risk, making it unsafe for consumption, as noted by event planner Valerie Bihet, founder and director of VIBE Agency.

Instead of fish-based ceviche, consider alternatives that not only prioritize safety but also engage your guests and maintain a refreshing seafood theme.

One option is to serve oysters that are kept on ice and opened and served on-demand. This not only ensures their freshness but also creates an interactive element for your guests, enhancing their dining experience.

Another excellent choice is to offer chilled crustaceans.

These seafood options come with protective shells that shield them from the sun more effectively than exposed fish, reducing the risk of spoilage. By making informed food choices and prioritizing safety, you can ensure that your outdoor gathering is not only enjoyable but also free from potential health concerns.

Skip Ribs or Wings for Outdoor Events: Opt for Simplicity and Convenience

Foods and Drinks to Avoid at an Outdoor Party (Part 1) 3
Photo: Skip Ribs or Wings for Outdoor Events: Opt for Simplicity and Convenience

While ribs and wings are undeniably delicious, they come with the downside of being incredibly messy.

Unless you’re intentionally hosting a messy food-themed party and have all the necessary supplies for a seamless cleanup, it’s advisable to avoid serving them at your outdoor gathering. Outdoor events typically involve casual seating and standing, so offering food that requires substantial effort and logistics to enjoy can be cumbersome for both hosts and guests.

Mariah Grumet, founder and instructor of Old Soul Etiquette, suggests considering alternatives that prioritize simplicity and convenience while still delivering fantastic flavors.

Boneless chicken bites or pre-sliced meat options are excellent choices. These foods offer the same delightful flavor experience you desire without the mess associated with ribs and wings.

Your guests can savor the taste without worrying about the mess, allowing everyone to enjoy the gathering to the fullest.

Beware of Open Sangria or Punch Bowls at Outdoor Events

While a light and fruity cocktail is a wonderful way to kick off a party in beautiful weather, sweet drinks have a knack for attracting unwanted guests like flies and mosquitoes.

An open bowl of sugary juices and alcohol can turn your outdoor gathering into an unintentional bug pool party, as cautioned by Diane Kolanović-Šolaja, owner and creative director of Dee Kay Events.

To prevent bug swarms and ensure a pleasant outdoor experience, consider alternatives.

One option is to purchase ready-made canned cocktails, which come in sealed containers that keep pests at bay. Alternatively, if you prefer serving punch or sangria from a bowl, choose a closed container with a lid.

However, Be Prepared to periodically check and clean up any spills to maintain a bug-free atmosphere. With these precautions, you can enjoy your outdoor cocktails without the nuisance of uninvited insect guests.

Exercise Caution with Dairy-Based Dishes at Outdoor Events

Foods and Drinks to Avoid at an Outdoor Party (Part 1) 5
Photo: Exercise Caution with Dairy-Based Dishes at Outdoor Events

Dairy-based dishes, while delicious, require careful handling to ensure food safety, especially in outdoor settings without refrigeration facilities.

Melissa Park emphasizes the importance of chilling these dishes until they are served, and if refrigeration is unavailable, it’s crucial to discard them within one to two hours to prevent foodborne illnesses.

To maintain safety while still offering flavorful options, consider alternatives that do not rely on dairy.

For salads, opt for dressings like olive oil, pesto, or vinegar instead of creamy ranch dressing. These alternatives not only add great flavor but also eliminate the need for refrigeration.

When it comes to sweet dairy dishes, such as creamy desserts, you can make a switch to fruit-based options.

Fresh fruits provide natural sweetness and a refreshing touch without the risk associated with dairy in warm outdoor conditions. By making these thoughtful choices, you can prioritize food safety while still offering delectable alternatives for your outdoor event.

*The information is for reference only.