5 Best Storage Ideas from Experts for Small House

The appeal of small living spaces is understandable, and there is much to learn from the meticulous storage and organization techniques.

5 Best Storage Ideas from Experts for Small House 1

Even if you don’t have a compact layout, you can still benefit from these strategies to make the most of your square footage.

Whether you’re seeking to downsize or simply optimize storage space in your home, regardless of its size, these Tips and Tricks will assist you in achieving that goal.

Create a List of Necessary Items

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Photo: Create a List of Necessary Items

Take the opportunity once a year to evaluate your possessions and determine what items are truly essential and bring you joy.

Channeling the philosophy of Marie Kondo, consider donating or discarding things that no longer serve a purpose in your life, whether it’s unused furniture or neglected clothing and knick-knacks. This step is crucial in downsizing and adopting a minimalist lifestyle akin to tiny-house living.

Maximize Space with Elevated Flooring

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Photo: Maximize Space with Elevated Flooring

Instead of relying solely on traditional storage solutions like cabinets and walk-in closets, think outside the box.

Tiny-home expert JP Marquis suggests raising your flooring slightly to create storage space underneath. This innovative approach allows for the installation of hidden drawers, offering practical and discreet storage options.

Invest in Multifunctional Furniture

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Photo: Invest in Multifunctional Furniture

When furnishing your space, prioritize multifunctionality.

Look for furniture pieces that serve multiple purposes, such as a sofa that can transform into a bed or a Dining Table that can be lowered to function as a coffee table. These types of furniture often come with built-in storage, providing practicality and space optimization.

Resource Furniture is a recommended brand for flexible and versatile furnishings.

Utilize Bedroom Storage

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Photo: Utilize Bedroom Storage

Bedrooms offer numerous possibilities for organizing and storing your belongings.

Consider investing in a lofted bed or a bed with built-in storage compartments. Alternatively, utilize the wall space behind your bed frame to install vertical shelving or cabinetry.

Nightstands can also provide additional storage, and creating a storage wall above and around the bed maximizes the available space.

Embrace Hidden Storage Solutions

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Photo: Embrace Hidden Storage Solutions

To maintain a streamlined and uncluttered appearance, prioritize hiding your belongings.

Assign specific spaces for all your items, from socks to seasonal gear to supplements. Make sure everything has a designated home.

Conceal storage areas behind doors or cover them to keep them out of sight. By hiding your possessions, you can create a clean and organized environment within your home.

*The information is for reference only.