5 Laundry Hacks In Wash Day (P2)

A clever laundry tip to safeguard your garments from shrinking is to employ a do-not-dry alert system.

Establish a Warning System to Prevent Over-Drying

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Photo: Establish a Warning System to Prevent Over-Drying

A clever laundry tip to safeguard your garments from shrinking is to employ a do-not-dry alert system.

Here’s how it works: If you have clothing items that require air-drying, simply place them in a zippered sweater bag before placing them in the laundry hamper. Karman Hotchkiss, an editor, explains, “If something must be line-dried, I put it in a zippered sweater bag before it goes in the hamper so whoever transfers the laundry knows the item can’t go in the dryer.

” The distinct bags are easily recognizable, eliminating concerns about others mistakenly shrinking a crucial garment when they assist with the laundry.

Neat and Tidy Soap Dispensers for Mess-Free Storage

Ensure the safe storage of laundry detergent while keeping it inaccessible to children by installing wall-mounted soap dispensers.

These dispensers offer a convenient refill solution while maintaining an uncluttered countertop. To prevent any drips from the dispenser’s spout, keep a hand towel within reach for quick cleanup. Additionally, placing a small tray or dish beneath the spout can help manage any potential drainage issues, ensuring your laundry area remains clean and organized.

Prevent Color Bleeding

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Photo: Prevent Color Bleeding

If you’re not in the habit of sorting your laundry by color, here’s a handy tip to prevent your vibrant hues from bleeding into one another.

Kit Selzer, the home editor, suggests using Shout Color Catchers ($9, available on Amazon), which are remarkable sheets designed to prevent dye transfer. “These magical little sheets keep the dye from transferring,” explains Kit.

“You can see the color it absorbs when the wash is done. I’ve taught my kids to put one in every load—just in case.

” This simple precaution can preserve the vibrancy of Your Clothes and prevent color mishaps in the laundry.

Keep Socks Organized with a Mesh Bag

If you frequently find yourself losing socks, especially those small ones worn by kids, consider implementing this laundry hack: place socks in a mesh bag.

Mesh bags are not limited to delicate items; using them to corral socks during the wash can significantly reduce the chances of losing them. Attach a mesh bag directly to each family member’s hamper, ensuring that socks are collected as soon as they’re taken off, preventing their disappearance.

Expedite Drying with a Simple Technique

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Photo: Expedite Drying with a Simple Technique

To hasten the drying process, try a straightforward technique to remove excess water from damp clothing.

Brian Kramer, the home editor, recommends shaking out damp items before transferring them from the washer to the dryer. “Mom and Gram swore it opened up the fabric and made it dry faster with fewer wrinkles,” says Brian.

Additionally, you can accelerate drying time by including a dry towel in a load of wet clothes for the initial 15 minutes of the drying cycle. This method can save time and energy while ensuring your clothes dry efficiently.

*The information is for reference only.