Best Way to Remove Blood Stains Out of Clothes

Blood stains can indeed be challenging to remove due to the protein content and the way they change over time.

While there are various unconventional methods suggested by different sources, it’s important to focus on techniques that have proven effectiveness.

Remember to always follow the care instructions on the garment’s label and test any stain removal method on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the stained portion.

This way, you can ensure that the method is safe for the fabric and doesn’t cause any unintended damage. Here are some reliable methods to remove blood stains:

How to Remove Blood Stains Using Soap and Water

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Photo: How to Remove Blood Stains Using Soap and Water

One of the most effective methods for removing blood stains is to use soap and water.

This technique works particularly well for fresh blood stains on clothing or smaller items like pillowcases.

What You’ll Need:


Step 1: Flush the Stain.

Begin by flushing the blood stain with cold running water.

If possible, direct the water flow through the back of the stained garment to push the stain away from the fabric rather than further into it. In many cases, simply flushing the stain with water will remove a significant portion of it.

Step 2: Apply Soap to the Stain.

Next, rub a small amount of liquid soap, such as hand or dish soap, onto the fabric using your thumb and forefinger.

If using bar soap, wet the bar and rub it directly on the stain. Work the soap into the fabric by gently rubbing the stained area with your fingers.

If feasible, you can also rub the stained fabric against itself to help loosen the stain.

Step 3: Alternate Soap and Water.

Alternate between applying soap to the stain and flushing the area with cold running water.

Continue massaging the soap into the fabric and rinsing it out with water to dislodge and remove the blood stain.

Step 4: Launder as Usual.

Repeat the soap and water treatment as needed until the stain is completely gone.

Finally, flush the area with cold running water to remove any remaining soap residue, and launder the garment as you normally would.

By following these steps and using soap and water, you can effectively remove most blood stains from various fabrics.

It’s important to act promptly, as treating the stain as soon as possible will yield better results.

How to Remove Blood Stains Using Hydrogen Peroxide

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Photo: How to Remove Blood Stains Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a highly effective blood stain remover that can be used on both fresh and set-in stains.

However, it’s important to note that hydrogen peroxide can have a bleaching effect on certain fabrics, so it’s crucial to conduct a spot test before using it on the stained area.

What You’ll Need:

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Water
  • Light-colored cloth


Step 1: Test for Color Loss.

Before applying hydrogen peroxide to the blood stain, perform a colorfastness test in an inconspicuous area to ensure that it won’t cause any color loss or damage to the fabric.

Step 2: Apply Hydrogen Peroxide to the Stain.

Using a light-colored cloth, apply hydrogen peroxide to the stained area.

Gently dab at the stain, or for larger stains, mist the area with hydrogen peroxide using a spray bottle. If dealing with smaller stains, you can use a cotton swab to apply the hydrogen peroxide directly onto the stain.

Step 3: Rinse the Area.

Once the stain has been effectively treated and removed, rinse the area thoroughly with Clean Water.

This step helps to remove any residue from the hydrogen peroxide and prevents it from further affecting the fabric.

By following these steps and conducting a spot test beforehand, you can effectively use hydrogen peroxide to remove blood stains from various fabrics.

Remember to proceed with caution and always check the fabric’s care instructions for any specific guidelines.

How to Eliminate Blood Stains Using an Enzymatic Stain Remover

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Photo: How to Eliminate Blood Stains Using an Enzymatic Stain Remover

Enzymatic stain removers are effective for breaking down and removing blood stains from launderable garments, including those caused by pets.

What You’ll Need:

  • Enzymatic stain treatment product
  • Laundry detergent
  • Laundry brush (optional)


Step 1: Flush the Stain with Cold Wate.

r Begin by flushing the blood stain with cold running water.

This helps to remove as much of the blood as possible before applying the stain treatment.

Step 2: Apply Enzymatic Stain Treatment.

Apply the enzymatic stain treatment directly to the stained area.

For stubborn or set-in stains, consider using a laundry brush to help penetrate and break down the stain.

Step 3: Launder as You Normally Would.

Proceed to launder the item as you usually would, following the care instructions on the garment’s label.

Use cold water and the regular setting on your washing machine.

Step 4: Check the Stain Before Drying.

After laundering the blood-stained item, carefully examine the stain to ensure that it has been fully eliminated.

If any traces of the stain remain, avoid putting the garment in the dryer, as heat can set the stain further.

By utilizing an enzymatic stain remover and following these steps, you can effectively remove blood stains from launderable garments.

Remember to act promptly and treat the stains as soon as possible for the best results.

How to Eliminate Blood Stains from White Clothes

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Photo: How to Eliminate Blood Stains from White Clothes

When it comes to removing blood stains from white clothing, it’s crucial to act quickly and treat the stain promptly.

It is recommended to avoid using chlorine bleach on blood stains, as it can react chemically and intensify the protein-based stain. If immediate laundering is not possible, try to rinse the stained area with water or flush it with cool running water.

What You’ll Need:

  • Enzymatic stain treatment product
  • Laundry detergent
  • Laundry brush (optional)


Step 1: Rinse the Stain with Cold Water.

Before applying any stain treatment, flush the blood stain with cold running water to remove as much of the blood as possible.

Step 2: Apply Enzymatic Stain Treatment.

Apply an enzymatic stain treatment directly to the blood stain.

For more stubborn stains, consider using a laundry brush to work the treatment into the fabric and help break down the stain.

Step 3: Launder the Garment.

Wash the item as you normally would, using cold water and the regular setting on your washing machine.

Refer to the garment’s care tag for any specific washing instructions.

Step 4: Check for Stain Removal.

After laundering the blood-stained clothing, carefully examine the stained area to ensure the stain has been eliminated.

If any traces of the stain remain, avoid putting the garment in the dryer, as the heat can set the stain further.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove blood stains from white clothing.

Remember to act promptly and treat the stains as soon as possible for the best results.

How to Remove Stubborn Blood Stains

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Photo: How to Remove Stubborn Blood Stain

If you’re dealing with set-in blood stains on clothing, using an oxygen bleach solution is an effective method to remove the stains without much effort.

This technique is particularly useful for bulky or large items like white jeans or hoodies, as well as large stains on smaller items such as a white tee that has been stained by a bloody nose.

What You’ll Need:

  • Oxygen bleach
  • A vessel for soaking (kitchen or Bathroom Sink, utility sink, bathtub, bucket, or wash basin)
  • Laundry detergent


Step 1: Choose a Soaking Location.

Select a suitable vessel to soak the stained garment, ensuring it is large enough to accommodate the item and water.

This could be a sink, bathtub, bucket, or even the basin of a Top-Loading Washing Machine.

Step 2: Fill the Basin with Hot Water.

Fill the basin halfway or no more than two-thirds full with hot water, leaving enough space for the garment to be fully submerged.

Step 3: Add Oxygen Bleach.

Dissolve the oxygen bleach in hot water according to the package instructions.

If the garment cannot tolerate hot water, allow the solution to cool before proceeding.

Step 4: Submerge the Stained Item.

Place the stained item into the oxygen bleach solution and use your hands to fully submerge it.

Gently agitate the item to ensure the solution penetrates the fabric fibers.

Step 5: Soak the Garment.

Allow the item to soak in the solution for at least an hour, or overnight for tougher stains.

After soaking, launder the garment, as usual, using laundry detergent.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove stubborn blood stains from your clothing.

*The information is for reference only.