How to Properly Clean and Maintain Pool Table Felt. Pool, or billiards, is a game played on a table covered with fabric that can get stained from various sources such as cue chalk, dirty hands, and spills from food and drinks. The fabric used for this purpose is called pool table felt, cloth, or cover, and it helps the balls move smoothly on the table.
Indoor pool tables typically use felt made from a blend of wool and polyester fibers or wool and nylon fibers, while outdoor tables use mostly acrylic fibers. Felt is a type of fabric that is produced by matting and compressing fibers together to form a sturdy and even surface.
Even though the felt on a pool table can be replaced, it’s still essential to clean it frequently to maintain its appearance and ensure that the game is fair. By following just a few simple steps, you can learn how to clean pool table felt effectively.
Pool Table Maintenance: How Often Should You Clean the Felt??

Clean and Maintain Pool Table. Proper maintenance of pool table felt is crucial to ensure a fair and enjoyable game.
Ideally, the felt should be brushed after each game to remove chalk dust and lint that can cause balls to roll unpredictably. In case brushing after each game isn’t feasible, it’s recommended to brush the felt after every 10 hours of play or at least once a week, even if the table is covered when not in use.
Additionally, any spills or stains caused by food and drinks should be cleaned up immediately to prevent them from seeping into the felt.
It’s also recommended to wipe down the felt with a damp cloth at least once a month to remove any accumulated dirt or grime. By following these guidelines, you can keep your pool table felt in excellent condition for a long time.
The Importance of Brushing Pool Table Felt and How to Do It Properly

Regular brushing of pool table felt is an essential aspect of maintaining the table’s playing surface.
A specialized pool table felt brush should be used to remove chalk, dust, and lint from the felt. Start by sweeping out any debris from the creases of the cushions and around the pockets, then move on to the end of the table where the break line is located, typically marked by a nameplate.
To brush the felt, always brush in one direction only, from the head of the table to the foot.
Brushing in one direction ensures that you cover the entire surface evenly and puts the least amount of stress on the felt. It also helps keep the nap (if present) lying in the same direction, preventing any stretching or uneven wear.
Avoid brushing too hard or using excessive pressure to prevent damage or stretching to the felt. Simply let the bristles make contact with the felt surface.
When buying a pool felt brush, opt for one with either horsehair or nylon bristles.
Brushes typically range in length from nine to 12 inches, and a longer brush is recommended for a full-size pool table, as it makes the task quicker and easier to reach the center of the table.
Tips and Techniques for Removing Spills and Stains from Pool Table Felt

While it’s best to keep food and drinks away from pool tables, accidents can still happen.
If any food solids fall on the felt, use the edge of a credit card or a dull knife to lift them away. Do not rub the felt, and then follow the same steps as recommended for liquid spills.
When any type of liquid spills on the felt, the spill should be blotted away immediately with a lint-free microfiber cloth.
Avoid rubbing the felt and only press the cloth down lightly on the spill. Do not use paper towels or napkins as they may leave fibers on the felt.
To help dilute the stain, place a wet microfiber cloth over the affected area and press it down lightly.
Then, blot the area again with a dry microfiber cloth to absorb the liquid. Allow the felt to air-dry naturally without adding heat, and do not use the table until it is fully dry.
If there are visible stains, mix a few drops of gentle detergent or wool wash, such as Woolite, with warm water.
Dip a microfiber cloth in the solution and gently blot the stained areas, being careful not to over-saturate the felt. Rinse with a damp cloth dipped in clean water and allow the area to air-dry.
Alternatively, you can use a commercial pool felt cleaner and follow the instructions on the label.
Pool Table Maintenance: How to Vacuum the Felt and Why It’s Important

Brushing is a recommended method to clean pool table felt as it is gentler than vacuuming.
However, if you prefer to vacuum, make sure to use a vacuum with low suction power. Always attach the upholstery brush accessory and ensure that only the bristles make contact with the surface of the felt.
Avoid using aggressive or heavy suction, as it may cause stretching and damage to the felt surface.
*The information is for reference only.