Kids’ Closet Best Organization & Storage Ideas

Discover practical and enjoyable storage solutions that will help children maintain tidy and organized closets.

Implement these ideas to effectively organize their clothes and accessories while adding a touch of fun to the process.

Kids’ Closet Organization Ideas

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Photo: Kids’ Closet Organization Ideas

Storage Tips for Kids’ Closets: When it comes to organizing kid’s closets, it’s important to consider their needs and preferences.

Opt for small drawers, cubbies, and storage bins that allow easy access for kids to find what they’re looking for without creating a mess. Keep clothing in short stacks in shallow drawers to avoid rummaging through piles.

Display toys and books on open shelves where they’re visible and easy to put away. Utilize baskets and boxes to store items meant for adults, such as extra toy batteries, keeping them out of children’s reach.

Storage Solutions for Two: If siblings share a closet, implementing strategic organizing ideas can help maintain harmony.

A symmetrical layout with racks on either side of a central unit provides each child with their designated storage area. Clearly label drawers in the shared center console to indicate ownership.

Make the Most of Storage Space: Utilize the top portion of the closet by positioning rods within reach of parents.

In a toddler’s closet, staggered rods can be used. Ready-to-assemble storage cubes with mix-and-match options, such as cubbies, drawers, and shelves, can be arranged in the bottom space.

To add a finishing touch, trim the stacked cubes with quarter-round molding if desired.

Choose Closet Storage That Grows: Opt for wire closet organizers that can adapt to your children’s changing needs.

These versatile components can accommodate larger clothing items and various accessories. If you need more hanging space, repurpose a slide-out drawer unit as an organizer and add another clothes rod.

Many systems offer additional specialty pieces like shoe shelves and Hanging Baskets that can be added later.

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Photo: Kids’ Closet Organization Ideas

Make It Easy to get organized: In an individual closet, labeling different types of clothing and accessories or using color-coordinated containers can help maintain organization.

Over time, children will learn the distinctions between different clothing items and the value of staying organized. Consider using labels in their favorite colors.

You can find organizer products at home goods stores, or create your own using construction paper, washi tape, and markers.

Easy Ideas for a Custom Closet: Add personal touches to a kid’s walk-in closet by replacing standard bifold doors with doors featuring tempered-glass windowpanes.

Enhance the interior by attaching colorful fabric to the inside of each glass panel. Install drawer and cubby storage on one wall, arranged around a bench where children can comfortably put on shoes.

For a built-in look without extensive construction, place a sturdy cushion-topped toy or blanket chest between two narrow bookshelf towers or modular storage cubes.

Stylish Closet Design Ideas: Utilize bins and baskets to store items that can’t be hung or folded in your child’s closet with built-ins.

Use a large wire basket for everyday items like socks and underwear. Colorful boxes on the top shelf can hold treasures and keepsakes such as report cards or baby teeth.

If there are no built-ins, opt for store-bought dividers.

Get Kids Involved: Involve children in the organization process, as they may be willing to help declutter the space and keep the closet organized.

Encourage them to contribute ideas on how to sort and store their favorite items or let them choose their preferred dividers. For older kids, work together to get organized and allow them to decorate the space with their favorite colors and patterns.

Clothes Closet Curtain Call: Instead of traditional closet doors, remove them and hang a Curtain Rod above the frame.

Choose a decorative curtain that can easily slide across the interior, adding a touch of color and personality. Hanging the curtain at the top of the wall and extending it to the floor can create an illusion of a larger room.

Clever Kids’ Closet Storage Cover-Up: Make toddler closet organization exciting by painting an armoire, dresser, or another storage unit in a vibrant shade.

Ensure that the drawers have easy-to-grasp pulls suitable for little hands. Decorated boxes can hold out-of-season items, while a mounted tension rod keeps coats, dress shirts, and difficult-to-fold items wrinkle-free.

Do More with Standard Kids’ Closet Storage: Maximize the functionality of a standard closet system without the need for extensive remodeling.

Designate the existing clothes rod and high shelf for out-of-season clothes and items that require safekeeping. Add a second lower rod for everyday clothes that children can reach.

Use the floor space for shoes, toys, and even a laundry hamper.

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Photo: Kids’ Closet Organization Ideas

Plan Your Storage Space: Before organizing, and purging outgrown clothes and unused toys, take inventory of everything you want to store in the Kids’ Closet and consider how your child can easily access their belongings.

Design a system that fits their needs, incorporating modular organization for hanging and folding clothes, shoes, hats, accessories, and toys. Plan for future growth by allowing space for longer hanging clothes and transitioning high shelves from off-season storage to everyday use.

Keep Storage Easy: Simplify the organization process by using organizers to keep commonly used items within easy reach and facilitate quick clean-up.

Open shelves can hold shoes and hats for convenient grab-and-go access, while oversized baskets keep personal items like underwear and socks accessible yet hidden. Customize the storage solution based on your child’s interests, such as installing a hook near the door for a dance bag if they love ballet.

Have Fun with Storage: Make organization enjoyable by incorporating practical touches that align with your child’s room theme or favorite interests.

For example, turn the closet into a castle for a little princess, using a tension rod to display dress-up gear. A bottom basket can hold treasured accessories like tiaras.

The personalized organization fosters a sense of specialness while teaching the importance of tidiness.

More Than Just a Kids’ Closet Makeover: Think of a child’s walk-in closet as a mini bonus room rather than just a storage space.

Consider small remodeling projects, such as adding toy cabinets and a child-sized window seat, to create a secret hideaway within the Kids’ Closet. Carefully design the space to excite your child’s imagination and preferences.

Small-Space Smarts: Even in small Kids’ Closets, you can enhance them by adding wallpaper for a touch of style.

If there’s limited space for an organizer system, bring in a short dresser and install hooks on a section of the wall. Utilize the unused space on the closet door by adding hooks.

Kids’ Closet Storage Tips: Prevent small items from slipping through wire baskets by lining them with fabric.

This simple storage solution ensures that small items remain secure and organized within the baskets.

*The information is for reference only.