Shed Organization: 17 Ideas to Keep Outdoor Supplies Tidy

An outdoor shed is a valuable addition to the home, offering extra storage space. Organizing bulky tools and gardening pots can be a daunting task.

Thankfully, there are plenty of helpful tips and tricks available to keep your shed neat and organized.

From utilizing hooks and implementing creative shelving solutions to incorporating potting benches and other strategies, these shed organization ideas will assist you in transforming your outdoor space into a well-organized and functional area.

Shed Organization: 17 Ideas to Keep Outdoor Supplies Tidy

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Photo: Shed Organization: 17 Ideas to Keep Outdoor Supplies Tidy

Make the most of your shed organization with these helpful tips and ideas.

Keeping your shed tidy can be a challenge, especially with various tools and supplies cluttering the space. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that everything has its place and is easily accessible when needed.

Start by utilizing drawer organizers in storage carts or workbenches.

This will prevent small items from getting lost and allow you to see what you have at a glance. Clear dividers and containers are recommended for easy sorting.

Maximize wall space by installing wall-mounted shelves.

This not only keeps your shed supplies at eye level but also maximizes vertical storage. Arrange items you rarely use on higher shelves and frequently needed ones on lower levels for convenience.

Hooks are a versatile solution for shed organization.

Consider a potting bench with multiple hooks or mount a hook rack on a wall or shelving unit. This helps keep small tools like shovels and trowels sorted and visible.

Don’t overlook the inside of the shed doors.

Install hooks at the top of the door to hang long-handled lawn tools such as rakes and hoes. This clever storage solution allows you to grab what you need without stepping into the shed.

A drying rack, typically used for dishes, can be repurposed for the shed organization.

Use it to keep plant saucers and drip trays in order, preventing them from becoming a haphazard pile. Place the rack within an open container to collect additional items like terra-cotta planters or garden tools.

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Photo: Shed Organization: 17 Ideas to Keep Outdoor Supplies Tidy

Look for adjustable options when using open shelving.

Slotted rack systems with flexible brackets allow you to adjust the shelves according to your changing needs. Utilize baskets or crates to corral smaller items while leaving larger or decorative items standalone.

Mount wall baskets to utilize every inch of space, especially in a small shed.

Hang them below window frames or above your workspace for easy organization and access to smaller items like hand tools, garden twine, and plant labels.

Use sturdy wall hooks to hang heavier shed supplies like hedge trimmers or lawn chairs.

Look for utility hooks with two prongs to ensure they can support the weight and keep the floor clutter-free. Consider mounting hooks to wall studs for added security.

Metal buckets are a durable and stylish option for shed storage.

Avoid using canvas or fabric baskets that may be affected by the elements. Metal buckets are easy to clean and can keep similar items together.

Pegboard is a classic and customizable organization tool that works well in sheds.

Attach baskets for storing seed packets, hooks for hanging scissors and shears, and shelves for small planters. Putting items on display makes them easier to find and prevents unnecessary accumulation.

A storage cart with shelves, hooks, and drawers is a versatile option for shed organization.

Use it to create specific zones for potting, DIY projects, or outdoor toys and games. Opt for a cart with casters for easy mobility and cleaning.

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Photo: Shed Organization: 17 Ideas to Keep Outdoor Supplies Tidy

If your shed has built-in shelves, make use of them to store small items such as ceramic pots, garden books, seeds, and accessories.

These shelves not only provide practical storage but also add visual appeal to your backyard oasis.

Get creative with repurposed items for shed storage.

Consider using old outdoor spigot handles or unique doorknobs as hooks for hanging tools like shovels and rakes. Mount them to an interior wall for added functionality and a charming aesthetic.

Utilize overhead space for storage by placing a shelf above your shed door or window.

This is ideal for organizing lightweight but bulky items like chair cushions, life vests, or pool toys.

For heavy items that need to be moved around, use labeled, lidded buckets placed on a wooden dolly with casters.

This not only provides organized storage but also makes transporting the items much easier.

Take inspiration from kitchen organization and use a mug tree for shed organization.

This tall structure with multiple hooks can keep small planters, Garden Gloves, or hand tools in order. Store it in a corner to keep it out of the way.

If you plan to work in your shed on DIY projects, create a designated workspace.

Install a slim, wall-mounted table and include compact seating. Use office organizers to keep supplies neatly organized and within reach.

By implementing these shed organization ideas, you can create a well-organized and functional space for all your tools, supplies, and projects.

*The information is for reference only.