Disassembling and Storing Your Artificial Christmas Tree

Disassembling and Storing Your Artificial Christmas Tree. The choice between a real christmas tree and an artificial one is a matter of personal preference, and for many, the convenience and enduring beauty of an artificial tree hold strong appeal. In fact, some individuals, like our founder, opt for the faux variety and set up artificial trees in nearly every room of their homes During the Holiday Season.

Artificial Christmas trees offer several advantages, making them an attractive option for many. They don’t shed needles, eliminating the need for constant cleanup, and they don’t require regular watering. Some artificial trees even come pre-lit, simplifying the decorating process. However, it’s worth noting that while a natural conifer is typically disposed of after the holidays, artificial trees need year-round storage.

Before purchasing an artificial tree, it’s essential to consider the storage aspect. As Monica Friel, the president and founder of Chaos To Order, a professional organizing service in Chicago, points out, one should ask themselves, “Do I have the space to store this?” A full-size artificial tree will occupy space in your home throughout the year, which is a factor to weigh when making your decision.

In the end, the choice between a real or artificial Christmas tree is a matter of balancing your holiday traditions and preferences with practical considerations, such as storage space. Both types of trees bring warmth and festive cheer to your home during the holiday season, allowing you to celebrate in your own unique way.

Prep for Disassembly: Remove All Decorations

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Photo: Prep for Disassembly: Remove All Decorations

When it’s time to take down your holiday tree, a crucial first step is to remove all ornaments.

These delicate decorations can easily get damaged as the branches are stacked during storage. If your tree isn’t pre-lit, don’t forget to also take down any string lights before disassembling.

This will ensure that your tree and decorations remain in pristine condition for seasons to come.

Refresh Your Tree: Clean the Branches for Next Year

Just as with other items of decor in our homes, artificial holiday trees can accumulate dust while on display throughout the season.

After the holidays, as part of your post-holiday cleaning routine, take a moment to dust off the tree’s branches. You can use a vacuum cleaner with a duster attachment or a damp cloth to gently remove any dirt or dust. This simple step will ensure that you unpack a clean and pristine tree ready for the next holiday season, making your decorating process a breeze.

Take Apart Your Tree: A Guide to Disassembly

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Photo: Take Apart Your Tree: A Guide to Disassembly

Before starting the disassembly of your holiday tree, make sure it is unplugged.

If you’ve cleaned the tree, ensure that the needles are completely dry. Smaller artificial trees typically consist of one piece and can be folded up similar to an umbrella.

However, full-size trees are usually made up of several sections. For these trees, you may need to take apart each branch before packing them away for the year.

Consult your instruction manual for comprehensive guidance on how to disassemble your specific tree model properly.

Protect Your Tree: Invest in a Quality Christmas Tree Bag

When it comes to storing your artificial Christmas tree, don’t rely on the original box.

Artificial tree branches tend to fluff out during the holiday season, and attempting to squeeze them back into their original packaging can lead to damage. To preserve your investment, consider getting a high-quality Christmas tree bag. As Friel suggests, if you’ve spent money on a nice tree, it’s worth investing in proper storage to keep it in excellent condition. A dedicated tree bag will ensure your tree remains protected and in great shape for years to come.

Preserve Your Tree: Store It Safely for Next Year

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Photo: Preserve Your Tree: Store It Safely for Next Year

To ensure your artificial tree remains in displayable condition for the next holiday season, it’s important to store it in a safe place.

Choose a cool and dry area for storage. Keep in mind that heat can potentially cause discoloration or even melting of artificial trees, so it’s advisable to avoid storing it in locations like the attic or garage, depending on your climate.

By selecting a suitable storage spot, you’ll help prolong the life and appearance of your holiday tree.

*The information is for reference only.