Tips for Removing Permanent Marker Stains from Clothes

Tips for Removing Permanent Marker Stains from Clothes. The words “permanent marker” often evoke a sense of dread, as this type of stain can be challenging to remove.

However, there are exceptions, and with the right approach, it’s possible to remove permanent marker stains from your clothing, especially if you act quickly.

Fresh ink stains are generally easier to remove, while older stains may require more effort and repeated treatments. If the garment is essential or a favorite item, it’s worth making the effort to try to remove the permanent marker stain. The process typically requires a few products, as well as lots of patience.

Although removing permanent marker stains may seem daunting, it’s possible to salvage your clothing with the right techniques. Keep reading to learn more about how to remove permanent marker stains and restore your favorite garments to their former glory.

How to Get Permanent Marker Out of Your Washable Clothes

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Illustrative image How to Get Permanent Marker Out of Your washable clothes

Before attempting to remove a permanent marker stain from washable clothes, it’s essential to prepare the garment properly.

Start by placing a thick layer of paper towels on a waterproof surface, then put the garment on top of the towels. Test for colorfastness by applying a small amount of Rubbing Alcohol to a hidden seam and checking for any dye bleeding or color change.

If there is no bleeding or color change, you can proceed with the stain removal process.

To remove the stain, place the affected area of the garment on a layer of paper towels.

Wet a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol and gently dab the stain, working from the outside towards the center. As the swab becomes saturated with ink, use a fresh one to avoid re-staining the garment.

Continue blotting until the ink is gone.

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Illustrative image How to Get Permanent Marker Out of Your Washable Clothes

If traces of the stain remain, you can create a solution of oxygen bleach powder and lukewarm water in a sink or tub.

Submerge the garment and let it soak for at least four hours, or overnight if possible. Check the stain periodically and repeat the soaking process if necessary.

Oxygen bleach is safe to use on most washable fabrics, except for wool, silk, or anything with leather trim.

Finally, wash the garment as usual and check the stain area again.

If the stain is still present, repeat the entire process until it is completely gone. Once the stain is removed, you can dry the garment in a dryer or on a clothesline.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove permanent marker stains from your washable clothes.

How to Remove Permanent Marker from Dry Clean Only Fabrics

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Illustrative image How to Remove Permanent Marker from dry clean Only Fabrics

If you have a dry clean only garment with a permanent marker stain, the safest option is to take it to a professional cleaner as soon as possible.

However, if you want to attempt to remove the stain at home, you can follow the same steps as for washable clothes, using rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab.

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Illustrative image How to Remove Permanent Marker from Dry Clean Only Fabrics

For dry clean only clothes that can be hand-washed, you can also try an oxygen-bleach soak, except for fabrics like silk, wool, or anything with leather trim.

However, for structured garments like suit coats or embellished clothing, it’s best to consult a professional before attempting any stain removal at home.

Overall, it’s important to exercise caution when trying to remove permanent marker stains from dry clean only fabrics.

When in doubt, it’s always best to seek the advice of a professional cleaner to avoid damaging your valuable clothing.

*The information is for reference only.