We Have the Best Way to Hand-Wash Bras Lingerie and Tights

Preserving the longevity of special items in your wardrobe is essential, here are some valuable tips on how to properly hand-wash such items

Instructions for Hand-washing Tights

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Photo: Instructions for Hand-washing Tights

To ensure the longevity of delicate hosiery and tights, it’s important to wash them carefully by hand.

Follow these steps to hand-wash your tights:.

Step 1: Prepare the detergent.

Fill a sink with lukewarm water and add approximately half a cup of mild laundry detergent suitable for delicate clothes.

You can also opt for detergent specifically designed for delicate garments. It’s crucial to use lukewarm water instead of hot water, as hot water can potentially damage the elasticity of the tights and affect their fit.

We Have the Best Way to Hand-Wash Bras Lingerie and Tights 1
Photo: Instructions for Hand-washing Tights

Step 2: Submerge the tights.

Turn the tights inside-out before gently placing them into the water and start scrubbing.

Be cautious to avoid rubbing or pulling forcefully. Focus on gently scrubbing the areas that are more prone to bacteria, such as the feet and crotch.

Allow the tights to soak in the solution for approximately 10 minutes.

Step 3: Rinse and dry.

Once the soaking is complete, remove the tights from the water.

Rinse them thoroughly under a cold-water faucet until no more suds are visible. Squeeze the tights into a ball to remove excess water.

Next, place them on top of a towel and roll the towel up to dry any remaining moisture spots. Finally, lay the tights flat to dry on a lint-free towel.

Instructions for Hand-washing Bras and Lingerie

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Photo: Instructions for Hand-washing Bras and Lingerie

To maintain the shape and intricate details of bras and lingerie, it is recommended to wash them by hand.

Follow these steps to wash your bras manually:.

Step 1: Soak the bra.

Prepare a sink or bowl filled with lukewarm water. Add a mild detergent specifically designed for hand-washing (available at Walmart for $5) and mix it well with the water.

Gently place the bra in the solution and allow it to soak for approximately 15 minutes. Use your hands to work the suds into the fabric.

We Have the Best Way to Hand-Wash Bras Lingerie and Tights 2
Photo: Instructions for Hand-washing Bras and Lingerie

Step 2: Rinse off the soap.

Take the bra out of the water and hold it under the faucet or tub faucet, allowing water to run over it and rinse away any remaining soapy residue. Make sure to rinse until no more suds are released.

Step 3: Dry the bra.

To remove excess water, carefully fold the bra against a towel before laying it out to dry. Place the garment flat on a towel and cover it with another towel.

Press down gently to absorb any additional moisture. Always hang bras to dry.

*The information is for reference only.