Bedroom: 8 Organization Ideas for Decluttering

Are you exhausted from navigating a bedroom filled with scattered shoes and overflowing shelves and drawers?

Restore order and tranquility to your space by implementing simple and efficient storage solutions.

With these easy bedroom organization ideas, you can declutter your surroundings and create a peaceful sanctuary for rest.

Why can’t I organize my room?

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Photo: Why can’t I organize my room?

Numerous factors can contribute to difficulties in organizing a room.

These factors encompass various aspects, such as personal traits, skills, beliefs, and mental health conditions.

One common obstacle to the organization is perfectionism.

The desire for everything to be flawless and perfectly arranged can create a sense of overwhelm and prevent progress. Perfectionism can lead to excessive time spent on small details and difficulty in making decisions about where items should be placed.

Lack of organizational skills is another challenge.

Some individuals may not have learned effective strategies for sorting, categorizing, and maintaining order. Without these skills, it can be challenging to create a systematic and efficient organizational system.

Our beliefs and mindset also play a role in room organization.

Negative beliefs about our ability to stay organized or the belief that we are naturally disorganized can undermine our efforts. It is important to challenge these beliefs and develop a positive mindset that promotes organization and a sense of control over our living space.

Indecision can also contribute to a disorganized room.

Difficulty in making decisions about what to keep, what to discard, and where to store items can result in cluttered spaces. This indecisiveness can be related to attachment to possessions, fear of making mistakes, or uncertainty about future needs.

Furthermore, mental health and brain-related conditions can impact organizational skills.

Conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, or anxiety can affect focus, motivation, and decision-making abilities, making it more challenging to maintain an organized space. It is important to address these underlying conditions and seek support if needed.

To overcome these obstacles and improve room organization, it can be helpful to develop practical organizing skills, challenge perfectionistic tendencies, develop a positive mindset, seek support from professionals or resources, and address any underlying mental health concerns.

With patience, practice, and the right strategies, it is possible to create a more organized and harmonious living environment.

Bedroom Organization Ideas to Declutter

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Photo: Bedroom Organization Ideas to Declutter

Streamline Your Jewelry Collection.

Maintaining an organized and clutter-free jewelry storage can be a challenge.

To declutter your collection, start by going through your pieces and consider discarding or donating anything that you haven’t worn in the past year unless it holds sentimental value. For damaged but repairable items, take them to a jeweler to be fixed.

Once you’ve narrowed down your collection, implement an organizing strategy, such as using standup necklace storage or bracelet holders with multiple prongs, to prevent tangling and loss.

Stow Seasonal Items Under the Bed.

Seasonal gear, like flip-flops or winter coats, can take up valuable storage space when not in use.

Instead of cluttering your shelves or closets, utilize the space under your bed. Opt for trundle-style beds with drawers or invest in matching baskets or decorative containers that can be neatly stored under a platform bed.

Make the Most of Every Corner.

When we see something every day, like our bedroom closets, we may overlook wasted areas or areas that need decluttering.

Gain a fresh perspective by taking photos of your closet from different angles and closely examining them. Identify where clutter tends to accumulate and which corners or wall surfaces are not being fully utilized.

Consider adding storage solutions to the back of the door, which can be used to organize immediate wardrobe needs or everyday items like makeup and jewelry.

Repurpose Unused Furniture for under-bed storage.

If you’re running out of storage space in your bedroom, don’t forget to utilize the area under your bed.

You can repurpose old dresser drawers or other unused furniture pieces to create clever under-bed storage solutions. This DIY approach allows you to maximize the underutilized space and keep your belongings organized.

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Photo: Bedroom Organization Ideas to Declutter

Consider a Wardrobe Wall.

If a complete Walk-In Closet remodel is not feasible, you can still create ample storage and organization by adding a wardrobe wall to your bedroom.

This can involve building out a wall with an opening or installing movable pieces that provide storage options. To save space, you can use a curtain to enclose the wardrobe wall instead of doors.

Opt for Uniform Baskets.

Storage baskets are an excellent solution for decluttering odds and ends such as extra blankets or out-of-season shoes.

To maintain a cohesive look, choose baskets made of the same material and in a consistent shape. Adding labels to the baskets helps you easily identify the stored items, reducing visual clutter and creating a more calming bedroom environment.

Utilize Drawer Dividers.

Small items like makeup brushes, lotions, and pens often end up causing clutter in your bedroom.

To keep these items organized and within easy reach, use small containers or drawer dividers inside your nightstand or dresser. Regularly clear out the contents of these containers at least twice a year, discarding anything that has expired or duplicates.

Donate Unworn Clothing.

Clothing can quickly contribute to bedroom clutter, especially when there are emotional attachments to certain pieces.

As a general rule, consider donating any clothing that you haven’t worn in the past year. For items that are worn, ill-fitting, or in need of repair, either visit a tailor or part ways with them.

If you’re uncertain about what to keep or let go of, seek the input of a trusted friend or family member to help you make decisions.

*The information is for reference only.