Top 12 Dirtiest Places in the Home You Never Think Of

By paying attention to these often-neglected spaces, you can ensure a truly clean and healthy home.

Hidden dirt and grime can take residence in unsuspected corners of your home.

Despite your best efforts to maintain cleanliness, certain areas often go unnoticed and neglected, allowing buildup to accumulate over time. These overlooked spots can turn into breeding grounds for germs and make your living environment less than desirable.

Discover the dirtiest places in your house and learn effective cleaning methods to tackle each area with precision and thoroughness.

Is the toilet the dirtiest place in your home?

Top 12 Dirtiest Places in the Home You Never Think Of 2
Photo: Is the toilet the dirtiest place?

Contrary to popular belief, the toilet is not actually the dirtiest place in your home.

According to microbiologist Charles Gerba, often referred to as “Dr. Germ,” your kitchen sink harbors more fecal bacteria than the toilet bowl does after flushing.

This surprising revelation challenges the common assumption about the cleanliness of bathroom fixtures.

Dr.Germ’s research suggests that the kitchen sink, which comes into contact with various food particles and is often used for washing dishes and utensils, can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Fecal bacteria, in particular, can find their way into the sink through cross-contamination from raw foods or unwashed hands.

This highlights the importance of regular cleaning and disinfecting practices in the kitchen to maintain a hygienic environment.

While the toilet should not be overlooked in terms of cleanliness, it is essential to recognize that other areas in your home may require equal or even more attention.

By adopting proper cleaning routines and focusing on high-touch surfaces, such as kitchen sinks, you can effectively reduce the presence of harmful bacteria and maintain a healthier living space for you and your family.

Dirtiest Places in the Home You Never Think Of

Top 12 Dirtiest Places in the Home You Never Think Of 3
Photo: Dirtiest Places in the Home You Never Think Of

Coffee Maker.

Your coffee maker can be a breeding ground for germs due to the accumulation of mold, bacteria, and residue from daily use.

To deep-clean your coffee maker, create a mixture of equal parts white distilled vinegar and water. Fill the reservoir with this solution and run a brewing cycle without coffee grounds.

Pause the brewing cycle halfway through and let the vinegar solution soak for at least 30 minutes. Then, complete the brewing cycle and run another cycle with Clean Water to remove any lingering vinegar smell.

Your Workstation.

If you work from home or spend a lot of time on your computer, your workstation can harbor a significant amount of germs.

The desk surface, keyboard, and mouse are all high-touch areas that require regular cleaning. Disinfectant wipes are an effective way to clean these surfaces.

It’s recommended to wring out excess liquid from the wipes before cleaning electronic items to prevent moisture damage. Make it a habit to wipe down your workstation every few days to keep germs at bay.


While you may frequently clean the handles of your faucets, the area where the water comes out is often neglected.

This neglected area can harbor black mildew and other grime, which can be unpleasant and unhygienic. Every couple of months, remove the faucet aerator and soak it in vinegar for at least 15 minutes.

Gently brush all the parts to remove any residue before reassembling it.

Handles and Switches.

Refrigerator door handles, light switches, and toilet flush handles are high-touch areas that often go unnoticed during regular cleaning routines.

However, they can harbor a significant number of germs. Incorporate wiping down these surfaces with a microfiber cloth and a cleaning product into your regular cleaning routine to keep them clean and germ-free.

Top 12 Dirtiest Places in the Home You Never Think Of 3
Photo: Dirtiest Places in the Home You Never Think Of

Above Your Kitchen Cabinets.

The space between your kitchen cabinets and the ceiling is often overlooked during cleaning, leading to a buildup of dust, debris, and even pests.

Using a stepladder and a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment, or a wet/dry vac, you can effectively clean this area. A small hand broom and dustpan can also be used.

Aim to clean this space at least once a month to prevent excessive dust accumulation.

Your Bathtub.

Any standing water in your bathtub after a shower or bath creates a breeding ground for mold, fungi, and bacteria.

To reduce bacteria growth, make it a habit to dry off the tub or shower surface after each use. Additionally, disinfect the tub regularly by lightly misting it with a spray bottle filled with a hydrogen peroxide solution.

The hydrogen peroxide will evaporate quickly, eliminating the need to wipe it up.

The Walls Around Your Toilet.

The walls around your toilet can accumulate dirt and grime over time, and they often go unnoticed during regular cleaning.

Using a cleaner containing enzymes, spray the walls and let the enzymes work for a few minutes. Then, wipe down the walls with a damp towel to remove any residue.

Under, Alongside, and Behind Your Stove.

The area between your stove and the counter can become a haven for germs and debris, especially if spills are left uncleaned.

To clean this area, pull the stove away from the wall (use furniture sliders or a bath mat to protect your flooring) and scrape off any buildup with a plastic putty knife. Spray the sides of the oven with oven cleaner and use an all-purpose cleaner on the adjacent cabinets and floor.

Inside Your Toothbrush Cup.

Toothbrush holders can be challenging to clean and can collect bacteria, especially when positioned near the toilet.

To ensure cleanliness, use a moveable and easy-to-clean cup for storing toothbrushes. Periodically soak the cup in warm water mixed with a little bleach, rinse it thoroughly, or use a dishwasher-safe cup for added convenience.

Inside the Refrigerator.

The refrigerator in your home is a common spot for food spills and forgotten leftovers, making it susceptible to bacteria growth.

Avoid using chemical cleaners and opt for hot water and dishwashing liquid instead. Remove one shelf at a time and wash it in the sink before drying it with a microfiber cloth.

Repeat this process for each shelf.

Your Kitchen Sink.

Due to food particles and moisture, the home kitchen sink can harbor more germs than your toilet after flushing.

Clean the sink with soap and water daily, and use a kitchen cleaner with disinfectant properties once or twice a week to ensure it stays hygienic.

Remote Controls.

TV remotes are often overlooked when it comes to cleaning, yet they can be one of the germiest surfaces in your home.

Regularly wipe down your remote controls with disinfectant wipes, paying attention to the areas between the buttons. For a deeper clean, use a cotton swab dipped in Rubbing Alcohol to clean between the buttons effectively.

*The information is for reference only.